Reclaim Your Authority

Are you ready to reclaim your authority and live the life that’s waiting for you in the realm of infinite possibilities? Is it your Divine time to manifest a life, not only fulfilling, but aligned with your soul, full of love and spiritual knowingness?

I was recently visited by Archangel Uriel in my meditation, where I channel information through a process called “automatic writing.” I often receive profound guidance during these sessions, and it is part of my purpose to share them with others so that we may all ascend. Here is what Archangel Uriel said:

This is Archangel Uriel here to assist you with healing your past and past life traumas of inability to fully express yourself and being a powerful authority. It is now time for you to Re-claim your authority and ease of influence. Speak these words of Power into your right Mercury (little) finger: Right Mercury, portal open so that I may access my Divine Birthright of Higher Truth and knowingness of divine expressiveness.

I release any and all tethers and turn them into feathers, no longer keeping me down, no longer holding me to the past. I now choose and declare my ability to bring forward my full power of divine expressiveness and choose to access higher wisdom for fulfillment of my purpose here on Earth in the current and future timelines I am now creating.

I now see myself accurately as a divine expression, able to share higher truth and wisdom in complete and total safety without the tethers of my past and past lives holding or restricting me in any way. I am now free to educate, illuminate, and express through this portal in total ease and confidence of authority for my ascension and the aid of others’ ascension. Thank you and so it is.

This transmission is for all those Starseeds and light workers who may have felt stifled or silenced for sharing their truth and knowingness in spiritual truth. Speaking into your finger is part of a process called Palm Portal Healing, or Dermatoglyphic Epigenetics. Your fingerprints are more than your soul imprint, they are portals to your multidimensionality. If you are interested in training to master the 11 palm portals of your life, click here to learn more and apply.


Unlocking Spiritual Cleansing in Sedona, AZ